Noni or Moringa may be familiar to many people, but many people may not know it yet. Moringa is a tropical fruit, a native plant in southern Polynesia and has spread to other countries. In Thailand, it is known as Moringa or Moringa. Many people say that Moringa is a fruit that is suitable for women. What is the truth?

Properties of Noni
Properties and benefits of Noni
- Health: Noni is a source of calcium and antioxidants, which help slow down cell degeneration and strengthen the body.
- Nourishes the skin: Helps nourish the skin to be radiant and fresh, helps hair to be thick and black.
- Helps the digestive system: Helps solve problems of flatulence, bloating, indigestion and relieves constipation.
- Strengthen immunity: Helps increase the body’s immunity, preventing infectious diseases.
- Helps control blood sugar levels: Helps control blood sugar levels, suitable for diabetic patients.
- Reduces blood pressure: Helps reduce high blood pressure.
- Anti-inflammatory: Helps reduce inflammation in the body.
- Anti-cancer: Some research has shown that Noni has anti-cancer properties.
However, as it is said that Noni is an elixir of life that helps nourish the skin and make it look young again, the Nutrition Department has posted a message saying that
“The fruit of Noni consists of about 90 percent water, 11.3 percent protein of dry matter, important amino acids are aspartic acid, glutamic acid and isoleucine, minerals about 8.4 percent of dry matter include potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Vitamins include vitamin C, niacin and beta-carotene. In addition, there are phytochemicals such as entraquinone, scopoletin and bioflavonoids,ufabet etc.
Medicinal properties: The fruit has a spicy flavor, helps expel gas in the intestines, expel flatulence, nourishes the elements, stimulates appetite, can be held in mouth to treat gum disease, swollen gums, expel menstrual disorders, expel blood, purify blood, expel lochia, treat hoarseness, treat coldness,
treat heat in the chest, treat tuberculosis, treat vomiting.
In conclusion, although there have been studies on the biological activity of various substances in Noni, there has been no conclusion that Noni is an elixir of life. If consumed as food, Noni contains substances that provide nutritional value similar to other vegetables and fruits, so it can be consumed. Therefore, articles posted on online media about Noni being an elixir of life that helps nourish the skin and make it look young are only partially true.
- Kidney patients should not drink Noni juice because it is high in potassium, which can cause sudden heart attacks.
– Pregnant women should not consume Noni because Noni has a blood-thinning effect, which can cause miscarriage. - Precautions for consuming NoniNoni is a fruit with many benefits, but there are some precautions to take when consuming it to get the most benefits and safety, as follows:
- Xeronine digestion: Xeronine in Noni requires pepsin enzyme digestion in the acidic environment of the stomach to be converted to pharmacologically active substances. Therefore, drinking Noni juice after meals may reduce the absorption of xeronine.
- Drinking with alcohol: Drinking noni juice with alcohol may decrease the nutritional value and properties of noni.
- Noni seeds: Noni seeds have a laxative effect. When grinding or extracting the juice, be careful not to break the seeds to prevent diarrhea.
- Kidney Disease Patients: Noni juice is high in potassium. Kidney disease patients should avoid drinking it as it can increase blood potassium levels and may lead to sudden heart attack.
- Pregnant women: Pregnant women should not consume Noni because Noni has a blood-thinning effect, which can be harmful to the fetus and may cause miscarriage.